Living with ADHD can be challenging, but it doesn't have to define your life. If you're the parent of someone who has ADHD, know there are many natural remedies and lifestyle strategies that can be very helpful. There are many ways to manage and even overcome the symptoms of ADHD, and naturopathic medicine is one of them.
Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on treating the whole person - body, mind, and spirit - rather than just the symptoms. It offers a range of safe and effective therapies that can help manage the symptoms of ADHD and improve overall quality of life.
Overview of the Naturopathic Approach to ADHD
One of the key benefits of naturopathic medicine for ADHD is that it offers a personalized approach to treatment. Everyone with ADHD is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Naturopathic doctors take the time to get to know their patients, understand their unique challenges, and develop a customized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs. This can include a combination of dietary changes, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, acupuncture, and other natural therapies.
ADHD and Gut/Brain Health and Natural Remedies
Some of the most important factors to consider in a naturopathic approach to ADHD are gut health, nutrition, and neurotransmitters (chemical messenger molecules of the brain and nervous system). Many patients that I see for ADHD treatment need help with nutrition and gut health.
It's almost always the case that more nutrients are needed, especially B vitamins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and calming neurotransmitters like GABA, glycine, and taurine.

Given how important the gut is for overall health, I usually start with nutrition. Consider that the main issues in ADHD are an overstimulated/overactive nervous system and untrained prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is a part of your brain that's responsible for regulating attention, behavior, and emotion. Sound relevant? ADHD is associated with changes in the PFC, including weaker function and structure, and delayed development of this critical brain region.. The good news is that this area of the brain can be developed and strengthened through specialized, targeted exercises. Usually, working with a behavioral therapist is an essential component of natural therapy for ADHD. Typically, a psychologist or clinical social worker (LCSW) would offer behavioral therapy. I always refer to these therapists in ADHD cases while I work on balancing out the body systems.
Now, back to nutrition and gut health. A few trademarks of a healthy gut include:
a well-balanced microbiome
3 bowel movements per day, all well-formed and easy to pass
no signs of leaky gut (need testing to confirm)
If there is any evidence of leaky gut, it can be hugely problematic in ADHD because it means that toxins are leaking across the gut membrane, into the bloodstream, and irritating the nervous system.
Regular bowel movements are an indicator that the microbiome is doing well, which should also be assessed through stool testing. I recommend the GI-MAP because it's provides a comprehensive analysis of microbiome composition, checks for leaky gut markers, and evaluates overall digestive health. This is importance because the microbiome is responsible for producing the chemicals that your brain needs to communicate with the rest of your body.
As you probably know, the main treatment goal of ADHD in conventional medicine is to control the neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine, and serotonin. Drugs like Ritalin and Adderall attempt to do this, but usually just overload the central nervous system, create a greater imbalance, and create unwanted side effects like low appetite, so they're not an ideal or sustainable therapy.
Instead, it makes more sense to address the microbes, support gut health, and do some additional neurotransmitter testing. Usually, the neurotransmitters that calm the nervous system are low, and the neurotransmitters that excite the nervous system are high. Make sense?
There are usually additional considerations in natural treatment for ADHD, like supporting overall detoxification to reduce the toxic burden. I also strongly emphasize diet and nutrition.
The Role of Diet, Nutrition, and Blood Sugar
The health of your gut is largely dictated by your diet. If you eat a diet high in processed foods, added sugar, and fast foods, it's the equivalent of poisoning your gut. These foods wreak havoc on your microbiome and create lots on inflammation.

They are also especially problematic in ADHD because these foods also destabilize blood sugar. Healthy blood sugar levels should change gradually and slowly throughout the day. When you eat or drinks foods that are high in sugar and digest quickly, like fast food and soda, it spikes your blood sugar, which later crashes. The same thing happens to your behavior and attention span.
Maintaining stable blood sugar levels helps prevent dramatic energy swings. When your blood sugar spikes too high from sugary foods, it can lead to hyperactivity and irritability—similar to the jittery effects of drinking too much caffeine. This is especially important for managing ADHD, as such energy fluctuations can intensify symptoms and make focus and emotional regulation more challenging.
If you have ADHD, keep in mind that your nervous system is more active than the average person. As a result of that, it uses more energy. It's important for you to consume enough calories to support your energy demands, and also to supplement with the vitamins and minerals that are most in-demand by your body to support energy production. Some of these include B vitamins and essential fatty acids. Everyone is different, so it's important to work with a naturopathic physician and possibly a nutritionist as well.
As a garden needs the right nutrients, sunlight, and water to thrive, our bodies also need the right balance of nutrients, rest, and relaxation to function at their best. Naturopathic medicine offers a range of dietary and lifestyle changes that can help support the body's own healing processes and promote optimal health and wellbeing in ADHD.
Naturopathic medicine offers a safe, effective, and holistic approach to managing the symptoms of ADHD. By taking a personalized and proactive approach to healthcare, naturopathic doctors can help individuals with ADHD achieve optimal health and wellbeing and live their best lives. So if you or someone you love is struggling with ADHD, consider exploring the many benefits of naturopathic medicine today. Give me a call to set up an appointment and get to the root of your ADHD symptoms!